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Bee Course

We run monthly bee courses that teach and train beginner and intermediate level beekeepers on a monthly basis.

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+27 12 771 4288

270 Witch Hazel Avenue, Eco Boulevard Shopping Centre, , Shop #26B, Centurion

Easy Buzzy Beekeeping Course

Beekeeping can be fun. Some people do it for leisure and free honey and others do it professionally. Which one are you?


Easy Buzzy Beekeeping Course

We are committed to providing top quality bee supplies to beekeepers all over the world.

EASY BUZZING BEE COURSE – taking place most months on the LAST Weekend!! RSVP Now!

Beekeeping can be fun. Some people do it for leisure and free honey and others do it professionally. Either way it’s still a great way to get outdoors, meet people and get closer to nature. Our beekeeping course includes an estimated 60 minutes inspecting a live hive.

We’ve been in beekeeping for over 15 years and we still use our original set of bee suits we made back then today! We recently held our 6th “Easy Buzzing Bee Course” this weekend and half of the learners rented bee suits for the day’s training. They happen to use our old faithful full overall bee suits with detachable veil for the 90-min practical session at a LIVE demo at the beehive!

Register Now by clicking the link below:

Call to make a booking on 012 771 4288 | 083 308 0042 NOW.

Get involved as a hobbyist or begin a road to commercial bee farming, either way, you need to get more knowledge and hands-on experience. It’s like a test drive before you buy!

For a full breakdown of the beginner beekeeping course please see the bee course outline below.

The full-day beekeeping course includes a practical demonstration of working a beehive as well as a theory about beekeeping.

Register now to come to the Next Bee Course now!

The PRACTICAL BeeKeeping demo includes each learner removing a frame from a live beehive and inspecting it. A search for the queen bee and description of comb, drone cells, larvae, eggs and internal workings of the hive. All learners participate in practical exercise with a live beehive.

You will be able to purchase any necessary equipment such as bee suit and gloves but we also offer the equipment for rent.

A minimum of 4 candidates is required to run the beekeeping course so be sure to bring a friend! 

Easy Buzzing Bee Course Outline

  • Overview of the bee industry in South Africa
  • Biology of the honeybee
  • Basic beekeeping equipment
  • Assembly and treatment of hive
  • Beginning beekeeping
  • General and advanced hive management
  • Harvesting and storing honey
  • Beeswax and other bee byproducts
  • Practical LIVE demonstration

Register Now by clicking the link below:

Call to make a booking on 012 771 4288 | 083 308 0042 NOW.

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