Bee Veil
Get yourself a bee veil for that quick inspection that you need to do. Also, good protection if you need to do some maintenance work around the hive.

Just a bee veil only – you can purchase a single veil with ropes to tie around your body wearing your own protective set of clothes albeit jeans and rugby top or other…You could also use a plain overall. It only covers to your neckline at the shoulders.
Bees tend to creep inside and therefore offers low levels of protection.
Becoming Protected
Generally, beekeepers use suits or protective gear at the apiary. You do an internal inspection of a hive which requires gear with the appropriate precautions. You want to be checking the state of the brood chamber, the super and the general health of the beehive. This is done best by having the confidence of the quality bee suits or protective gear you use.
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