Royal jelly is used throughout the beauty products industry in facial creams and ointments. It is especially known for treating wrinkles and facial marks. Many women make use of creams and ointments that contain royal jelly. As it is very difficult and time-consuming to produce and harvest this niche bee product is probably the most sought after in the industry.

Beeswax is another apiculture niche product derived from the harvesting of honey. Each harvest of honey should yield an estimated 0.5Kg of pure beeswax. Due to the low yield per hive beeswax is always in high demand. Aside from using the beeswax to make candles, pure beeswax is also used in beauty products such as creams and body hair waxing. It also has industrial uses as well for machinery. South African beeswax is extremely sought after as it is deemed very high quality.

Raw honey is also used in many face packs as a skin cleanser. Raw honey and organic honey make for a good moisturiser as well as an excellent ointment for seeping wounds or open cuts in difficult regions of the body such as the head, groin, feet and underarms. Raw honey and organic honey enjoy the infusion of the properties of the nectar and pollen collected. In this way, the honey carries traces of antibiotic, anti-fungal and antiviral fighting ingredients.

Creams By KLee

Between giving honeybee colonies a home after relocating them from unwanted properties and sites so they didn’t get destroyed or terminated by pesticides AND using the beeswax that wasn’t possible to save during the process I infused my love of herbs and oils into making balms, salves, ointments and lip balm.

My daughter and I make the products now together and she’s learning all about business and becoming a young teenage entrepreneur. My mother is in South Africa and she also makes products too to keep everything running smoothly while we’re out at work or at school.

You can browse our wide range of products on our site,

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